Archive of WODs


Diane (sub HSPU)

WOD for 2007-11-26
Warmup x2
8 x Samson Stretch
10 x Overhead Squats (15 & 45lb)
15 x GHD Back Extension
15 x GHD Situps
4 x Ring Dips
10 x Pullups

225lb Deadlift
95lb Push Press

time: 11min 31sec

Again, heater is so clutch taking the garage from -6 to 15 in 10 min.

Completely each round of deadlifts in 1 or 2 sets. I actually probably could have gone only with 2 sets in the first round, and one for the others, had I gone with a supinated/pronated grip.

Struggled with push-ups and pp--broken up into 3 sets each round, with 2 sets for the final round... Triceps are burning

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