Archive of WODs


Morning Row

Light Warm-upx2
Light Row
10 GHD Back Extensions
10 Overhead Squats
5 Ring Dips
6 Pull-ups*

WOD for 2008-01-12
4 x 250m Row (:50s Rest)
Rest 2 Min
4 x 250m Row (:50s Rest)


Average time: 52.4
(s1) 52.5 (s2) 52.3

*I realized while reviewing older posts, that I never mentioned that my downstairs Pull-up Bar, used mostly for my warm-ups, is a rotating pull-up bar. The bar is a padded handled pull-down bar, but instead of being attach to a cable it's attached to the ceiling of my basement by a set of metal hooks--simple design, and effective at increasing the difficulty of pull-ups

CrossFit WODs

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