Archive of WODs


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Snatch Training

Light Row
GHD Situps/Back Extensions
Ring Dips
Pull-ups (10/9/8)
Overhead Squats 10x15/45/65lb
Dynamic Stretches

WOD for 2008-01-17
Power Snatch 5x5

Push Press 5x5

Bench Press 5x3

Deadlift 1x5


Off Day

I originally had Rowing schedule for today, but I instead decided to work on some of my olympic lifts--they all need some sort of tweaking.

Weight = 65lb
3x5 Power Cleans
3x5 Power Snatch
2x5 Hang Cleans
2x5 Power Cleans with Squat

Power Snatch, staggered feet, right foot lands too far back
Power Cleans, stretch for rack position


Wet Nancy

Light Row
GHD Back Extensions/Sit-ups
3x6 Ring Dips
2x8 Pull-ups
3x45lb Overhead Squats
Dynamic Stretches

WOD for 2008-01-15
400m Row
15 x 95lb Overhead Squats

5 Rounds

time: 19min 29sec

2 rounds of Overhead Squats needed to be broken up into two sets.
Cardiovascular still needs work--especially with rowing
Should be able to get this down to 18min by March


Squat, Press, Pull

Light Row
10 GHD Back Extensions
2 GHD Sit-ups (Incredibly Sore)
5 Ring Dips
10 Overhead Squats
5 Ring Dips
Dynamic Stretches

WOD for 2008-01-14
Squats 5x5
Push Press
Pull-Ups 3xfail

Getting better each week with Squats & Press


Morning Row

Light Warm-upx2
Light Row
10 GHD Back Extensions
10 Overhead Squats
5 Ring Dips
6 Pull-ups*

WOD for 2008-01-12
4 x 250m Row (:50s Rest)
Rest 2 Min
4 x 250m Row (:50s Rest)


Average time: 52.4
(s1) 52.5 (s2) 52.3

*I realized while reviewing older posts, that I never mentioned that my downstairs Pull-up Bar, used mostly for my warm-ups, is a rotating pull-up bar. The bar is a padded handled pull-down bar, but instead of being attach to a cable it's attached to the ceiling of my basement by a set of metal hooks--simple design, and effective at increasing the difficulty of pull-ups


BW Workout--Training for Michael

Light Row
10 GHD Back Extensions
8 Pull-ups
5 Dips
10 Overhead Squats
Dynamic Leg/Chest Stretches

WOD for 2008-01-11
20 Push-ups
30 GHD Sit-ups
40 Squats

4 Rounds

time: 17:53

Round 1: 3:10
Round 2: 7:32
Round 3: 12:37
Round 4: 17:53

I originally planned for this workout to be 5 rounds, but my technique on GHD Sit-ups got far too ugly by round 4


2nd Heavy Workout

Light Row
10 GHD Sit-ups
10 GHD Back Extensions
10 Overhead Squats
5 Dips
10 GHD Sit-ups
10 GHD Back Extensions
5 Dips
10 Overhead Squats
Burgener Warm-up
Dynamic Leg Stretches

WOD for 2008-01-10
Power Clean 5x5
115x3x5, 135x2x5

Squats 2x5

Push Jerk 5x5
135x3x5, 145x2x5

Chin-ups 3xfail
9, 6, 4

time: a while

Good determination in exercises.
Great progress is shoulder press technique.


5k Row

Light stretching combined with low damper rowing

WOD for 2008-01-09
5k Row

time: 20:42
s/m: 24

0-1000m 4:07.6 s/m 21
1000-2000m 4:03.4 s/m 20
2000-3000m 4:13.8 s/m 23
3000-4000m 4:10.2 s/m 29
4000-5000m 4:07.7 s/m 29


Helen as RXd

Warm-up x 2
200m Row
10 GHD Sit-ups
10 GHD Back Extensions
5 Dips
8 Samson Stretch
Burgener Warm-up
10 Overhead Squats

WOD for 2008-01-08
400 meter run
1.5p KB Swing x 21
Pull-ups 12 reps
3 Rounds

time: 13min 06sec


First Heavy Workout

Light Warmup
Ring Dips
Overhead Squats
Burgener Warm-up

WOD for 2008-01-07
Hang Snatch
Front Squat
Bench Press

Front squat warm-ups were done properly, but had to be changed to a cross-over grip for the workout / Bench Press was really hard--almost dropped weight


Rest Day Reading...

The Anti-Drug Drugs
By Jeneen Interlandi | Newsweek Web Exclusive

"A new generation of vaccines may enable doctors to inoculate people against addictive substances like cocaine and nicotine.

A vaccine that would teach the immune system to attack and destroy cocaine before the drug reached the brain is poised to enter its first large-scale clinical trial in humans. The shot is years away from FDA approval, but the concept that it might someday be possible to inoculate those at risk of addiction has obvious appeal.... "


Wake and Work

Light Warmup
3x10 Overhead Squats
3x10 Pushups
3x5 Pullups (Sore)
3x5 Dips

WOD for 2008-01-05
2min Break


2min Rest
19.4/19.7/21.0/22.2/22.9/21.6/22.7/22.7/24.1/24.0/24.2 (One for the queen)

In comparison to previous rowing workouts--these times are borderline embarrassing. Past workouts I have been able to stay below 20 sec until the final reps on the last set.



Regular Crossfit Warmup
(Minus Pull-ups)

WOD for 2008-01-04
50 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats

time: 15min 50sec

I designed a new workout schedule for the next three months. This is a work in progress, but these are the guidelines.


The Most Narcissistic Workouts I Know

Today was the penultimate beach body workout. I moved from Arms to ABS to Back over and over until was hour was done. WOD went a little something like this...

Traditional Crossfit Warmup

WOD for 2007-12-29

Heavy Curls (45-65-85) 5x5@105
V-ups 20-20-20-20-20
Decline Curls (10-20) 5x8@30
Single Arm Cable Curls @ 25
Situps to failure

Shoulder stabilization with cables (which I found so much easier than the last time I tried these over a year ago... mark 1 up for crossfit)

Lat pulldowns (50-60-70) 5x10@210

It's been a long time since I've used cables and machines... and I don't miss them a bit... I actually really miss my humble little Crossfit garage gym.


Played tennis again this morning. This time it was for about an hour again, but it was more of a practice session. After one hour in 35 degree heat tennis gets tiring.


Old School Arny WOD

After basking in the sun for the day and enjoying 'Tennessee Ice Teas' (Long Island Ice Teas with Jack Daniels instead of Gin) it became increasingly harder to crank off a crossfit wod. Today, I went back to my old workouts that I could do even under the influence of a horse tranquilizer.

WOD for 2007-12-28
Warmup x 2
Samson Stretch
Overhead Squats
Back Stretch (And machine)

DB Shoulder Press (20-30-40) 5x5@66lb
Trunk Raises/Laterals
DB Bench Press
(20-30-40) 5x5@66lb
Cable Crossovers
Triceps Pressdown

One Legged Squats 5x5 each side (Spotted)

By the time the workout was done I was feeling really spent except my legs so I broke out into supersetting one legged squats, and WOW, what a workout. I don't know if it's the nerve damage I suffered in the summer of my general instability, but one legged squats own me badly. The next morning I could feel the squats at tennis.

Tennis Anyone

Played an hour or so of tennis in the morning before breakfast. It's been at least 8 years since I walked onto the tennies court, and wow, I suck! But, I like the sport and I could see myself casually picking it up... lots of phun


Bodyweight Workout

I'm now in Penang, Malaysia at the Shangri-la hotel. My workouts are therefore limited to the facilities of the hotel. My brother decided to give 'crossfit' a try, so I took him through the warmup and the same workout as me (well close, I changed the pushups to knee pushups and removed reps as needed--plus the knees to elbows were from the ground). My brother bitched and wined throughout the entire workout, and then 'packed a sad' in the corner while I did my WOD.... quite funny actually

WOD for 2007-12-27
Warmup x 2
Samson Stretch
Overhead squats
Superman Stretch
Dynamic Stretches

10 Knees to Elbows
20 Pushups
30 Squats

3 Rounds

time: 3min 24sec

Followed up the workout with dumbbell cleans... nothing too heavy--just range of motion


First Posted WOD in a while

I've fallen behind with my posts recently. With traveling to Hong Kong, and the hecticness of Christmas I've missed posting a couple of workouts. Today the workout was done in the gym in the building that my parents live in Hong Kong.

WOD for 2007-12-18
Warmup x 3
Samson Stretch x 10
Overhead Squats @ 45lb x 10
Burgener Warmup @ 45lb
Tricept Pressdown @ 60lb x 10
Pullups x (15, 10, 10)

Weighted Warmup
Bench Press


Bodyweight Bench Press (206lb) x 3
1/2 Bodyweight Thrusters (105lb) x 3

5 Rounds

time: 6min 14sec

Yup, I'll be the first to admit that this workout was a bit of a pussy workout, but hey, it's xmas, and I woke up and ate chocolate, candy and drank champagne before the workout---what do you expect. Still, it was a powerful, and explosive WOD... it just could have been longer and more intense.


Long WOD

I am just getting over the flu so the workout wasn't as intense as usual--instead I worked slowly on range of motion and then switch into a short burst of exercises.

Since the WOD was exceptionally long, I don't know exactly how many reps I did exactly, but it goes a little something like this:

WOD for 2007-12-18
Row 500m
30 GHD Back Extension
30 GHD Situps
10 Pullups
20 Pushups

10 alternating 1-legged Squats (spotted)

250m Row
20 1.5p KB Clean & Press

10 15lb DB Burpees

15 15lb Med Ball Cleans
15 15lb Med Ball Single Arm Press

10 Pullups
10 Chinups

250m Row
30 GHD Back Extension
30 GHD Situps

30 Overhead Squats
Burgener Warm-up

10 Pullups
10 (alternating) 1-legged Squats (spotted)

20 Pushups
1-min Bridge

20 Burpees
10 T-Pushups

???m Row

Spotted 1-legged squats is an exercise that I rarely add to workouts, that soon will change. I can't believe how much I struggled on my left side...



Crossfit Shoveling a F'load of Snow

Shoveled out three driveways (good samaritan as always) after the storm dumped over 30cm of snow. Almost 2 hours of shoveling ending up being my WOD for the day.


Great Quote

"There is no nonsense so gross that society will not, at some time, make a doctrine of it and defend it with every weapon of communal stupidity."


More Power Development

WOD for 2007-12-11
Row 500m
Warmup x2
15 x Overhead Squats
20 x Squats
20 x Pushup
15 x GHD Back Extension
15 x GHD Situps
5 x Pullup
4 x Dips
Dynamic Leg Stretches

Hang Snatch
Hang Squat Clean

5x45, 5x75, 3x95, 3x115, 1x135

Power Clean
Hang Clean

1x135, 1x145, 5x45

I have some serious instability in my hips when catching the weight in the low squat position. I need to keep close attention to my hips and symmetry while exercising to help remedy the imbalance.

Morning Workout

My morning workouts have changed, well evolved. I used to be content with rowing or running somewhere around 30 minutes in the morning, but now the thought of that sounds so monotonous--especially in the morning.

So, now what does my morning workout look like?

250m Row
15 Overhead Squats
Dynamic Leg Stretches
250m Row
15 GHD Back Extensions
15 GHD Sit-ups
IT-Oblique-Back Stretches
250m Row
20 Pushups
10 Pullups
Shoulder-Pec Stretches
250m Row
10 Burpees
250m Row
20 1pood Kettlebell SDHP
20 Squats
250m Row
20 Medicine Ball Cleans
20 Snatches
500m Row

The difference between a WOD like 2007-12-09 and this Morning Workout is the pace (and of course the stretching). This entire 'Morning Workout' I aim to exert myself at about a 60-70% pace. I am not looking to wind myself out completely, I am focusing on technique of the exercise and I am making sure that I am taking myself through the full range of motion with all muscle groups.

Because of the slower pace and strethcing, the avergae time of completion to about 20 minutes... which is shorter than my past Morning Workouts, and a far more effective use of time.

Here is the part I like the most about my morning workout, after the third round of stretches (Pec-Shoulder Stretch) the morning workout is completely dynamic. I using a long list of exercises into the workout instead of the ones I displayed. By going back through old calisthenics books I have found.

Since I decided on Monday, December 3 to start working on in the morning, I've been working off the list below & the CrossFit website picking and choosing exercises.

No I've probably done a rendition of this Morning Workout about 5 or 6 times, and personally, I can see myself sticking to this style of waking up a lot easier.

Calisthenics Exercises:
Bowing Handstand Push-Up Push Up Side Bends
Pushing - Facing Wall - Fingertip, Knuckle Chinnies
Grasshopper Push-up hands out - One Leg in Air Hindu Squat
Mountain Climber Falling Down - Wide, Close - Jump Hindu Squat
Table Maker Mountain Jumpers - Explosion to 45 Wall Chair
The Stretcher Head Back Bridge - T-Stance Lunges
Back Bridge Headstand Full Sit-Up - Jumping Lunges
One-legged Toe Touches - with Neck Stretches - Lying No Momentum - Slant Lunges
Reverse Pushups Head Front Bridge Leg Lifts behind Head Heel Stompers
Walk Walking (Back to wall) - Rolling Head Bridge Rugby Ball Push Lying Bicycle
Kneeling Back Bend Hindu Push-Up Superman Lift-Ups One-Leg Deadlift
Whirlish Devil V-Ups Balancing Abdominal Twist



WOD for 2007-12-09
Warmup x1
Row 500m
Overhead Squats 10
Squats 20
Pushup 10
GHD Back Extension 10
GHD Situp 10
Pullup 5
Dynamic Leg Stretchesx5

100m Row
100m Row
15xGHD Back Extension
100m Row
15xGHD Situp
100m Row

100m Row
100m Row
100m Row
10x15lb DB Burpees
100m Row

time: a while.


Quick WG

WOD for 2007-12-07
Warmup x2
Overhead Squats 10-10
GHD Back Extension 10-15
GHD Situps 10-15
Ring Dips 4-5
Pullups 9-7

OHSWU - 5x45, 5x45, 2x75

Box Jumps
75lb Overhead Squats


time: 5:26


Indoor Workout

WOD for 2007-12-06
Warmup x2
Samson Stretch 4-4
GHD Back Extension 10-10
GHD Situps 5-5
Pullups 5-5

250m Row
30 Squats
20 GHD Situps
10 Push-ups
5 Pull-ups

4 Rounds

time: 12 something

I did this workout inside, which means I didn't have
the ability to do OHS or Dips.


Tabata Reading

Tabata Reading (20 sec Read-10 sec 'Think about what you just read')

Rounds 960

The workout not only challenges the body,
but the mind....

CrossFit WODs

All you need to know.